
SKU: 6027L. Category:

1. The specification

Test conditions :VS = 2.0V RL = 2.2K; BW = 100 Hz ~ 20 KHZ; Ta = +20±2℃, room temperature = 60±5%


2. Measuring circuit

Test conditions Vs=2.0V RL=2.2K Ta=20±2℃ R H =60±5%


3. Dimension drawing      unit :mm


4. Measurement system


5. Typical frequency response curve


6. Environmental conditions

Working condition                                          Storage Condition

Ambient temperature :-25℃~+70℃                 Relative humidity :≤85%

7. Reliability testing

Note: The sensitivity of the microphone should not change more than ±3dB from the initial value after performing any of the following tests. The microphone should be operated and displayed as before the test. Non-ambient temperature required tests or post-test measurements shall be performed at room temperature for 2 hours (approx. 2 hours). 20 ° C)



8. Suggestions for welding

Each ECM contains a polarizing diaphragm and a field-effect transistor or integrated circuit within the microphone itself. Overheating and shock can damage an FET or IC. Overheating will demagnetize the diaphragm. Welding operation should pay attention to the following matters:

1. Manual welding is recommended. The tip temperature of the soldering iron shall not exceed 350±15℃. 2. ECM may be damaged by static electricity. Work and operation must be carried out on an electrostatic controlled workbench and the worker must wear the necessary grounding device. 3. Welding shall be completed within 2 seconds to ensure that ECM does not overheat. 4. The proposed radiator design is shown in the figure below, using aluminum blocks:



9. Packing details

